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EP. #1.01

#1.01 - "The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most"
Prod. #177501 (Original Air Date - 09/30/2003)
Lucas blows his first Varsity game and decides to quit the team. The wedge between Nathan and Peyton continues to grow after Peyton tires of Nathan's jabs at Lucas. Meanwhile, Keith forces Karen to deal with her feelings for Dan after she refuses to step foot in the high school gym to support her son.

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Buy Now"I Don't Want To Be" - Gavin DeGraw
Album: Chariot (J Records)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/gdegraw

First episode that features the theme song "I Don't Want To Be" by Gavin DeGraw.

This artist is also heard in episodes #1.04, #1.21, #2.16, #2.17, #3.19, #3.20, #3.22, #5.11 & #5.16.
This song is the theme song but is also heard in episodes #1.04, #1.09, #2.11 & #5.18.
Buy Now"Overdue" - The Get Up Kids
Album: On a Wire (Vagrant)
Music From The WB Series 'One Tree Hill' (Maverick)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/thegetupkids

Opening scenes. Lucas talks to the guys at the rivercourt.

This artist is also heard in episode #1.05, #1.12, #2.11, #2.19 & #3.15.
Buy Now"Switchback" - Celldweller
Album: Celldweller (Position Music)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/celldweller

Whitey benches Lucas during the game.
Buy Now"Hard to Find" - American Analog Set
Album: Promise of Love (Tiger Style)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/amanset

Nathan and Peyton make out in his SUV.

This song is also heard in episode #1.04.
This band is also heard in episodes #2.08, #4.02, #4.03 & #4.04.
Buy Now"Beside Me" - Forty Foot Echo
Album: Forty Foot Echo (Hollywood)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/fortyfootecho

Dan talks to Nathan about making more shots in the game.

This band is also heard in episodes
#1.00 & #1.02.
Buy Now"To Hell With Good Intentions" - McLusky
Album: Do Dallas (Beggars Too Pure)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/mcluskyaref--kingdead

Nathan calls to apologize to apologize to Peyton.
Request a CD"She's Got It So Phat" - Bosshouse
Album: Female Alt Rock Series 1
Official Site:
Listen: Download Clip
(right click + "save target as")

Peyton and Brooke talk while listening to music in Peyton's room.

This song is also heard in episode
Music from this company can also be heard in episodes #1.00, #1.02, #1.03,
#1.06, #1.07, #1.15, #1.21, #1.19, #2.02, #2.20, #2.23, #3.08, #3.07, #4.08, #4.14, #4.16 & #4.17.
Buy Now"Echo" - Vertical Horizon
Album: Go (RCA)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/verticalhorizon

Montage - Mr. Kelly looks at the "one word" answer cards.
Buy Now"Further" - Longview
Album: Mercury (14th Floor)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/longviewtheband

Lucas changes his mind and decides to play in the game.
Buy Now"Belief" - Gavin DeGraw
Album: Chariot (J Records)
Official Site:
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/gdegraw

CODA - Ending scenes of the episode.

This artist is also heard in episodes #1.04, #1.09, #1.21, #2.11, #2.16, #2.17, #3.19, #3.20, #3.22, #5.11 & #5.16.

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